Day of war veterans
Topic:Education and culture / Culture
April 29 is an extremely important day for the Romanian people, and we say this because the Day of War Veterans celebrates this day.
On this occasion, in the schools in our commune, for one week, the Cultural House and the Communal Library organized in classrooms meetings with the pupils and teachers of the Bălileşti Gimnaziale School, the Primary School of Băjeşti, the Primary School of Golesti- Priboaia and the Poieniţa Gimnaziale School. This initiative - proposed by Mayor Victor-Cătălin Turturică - organized in the year of the 1918 Centenary of the Great Union, responded promptly to Mr. Colonel Sandu Ion, President of the Association of War Veterans, Balisleşti Branch, who spoke to those present about a number of issues about the Second World War, while he was a child of the band.
Thus, with the characteristic patience, Mr. Colonel, evoked the children from their personal experiences at that time and responded to the curiosities and questions raised by them.
April 29, 2018